Although the exact mechanism of this disease is not yet completely understood, we do know that it is a lot more common in people who have Thyroid Disease. While it is often seen in people who have a HYPER active thyroid (80%), Dr. Soroudi was the first to ever report that it can even be found in people who have a normal, or even a HYPO (less) active thyroid. Dr. Soroudi was also the FIRST to report the prevalence people developing Graves' Disease in only one eye:

Prevalence of Asymmetric Exophthalmos in Graves Orbitopathy

Dr. Soroudi's

research findings has helped so many people as until he published this paper, most people who developed a bulging eye in one side used to believe they have a tumor/cancer.

Dr. Soroudi is one of a small group of Oculoplastic Specialists who offer the all new Tepezza Intravenous treatment for Graves' Disease, and he has infusion centers at his centers in Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, and Glendale, California.

This treatment has shown that 8 out of 10 people who receive this treatment have experienced significant reduced bulging of their eyes as early as just 6 weeks after the initiation of treatment WITHOUT taking any steroids!

3 Convenient Locations to Serve You

If you, or a loved one, suffers from Thyroid Eye (Graves') Disease, make an appointment with Dr. Soroudi who is an expert in treating this condition and can help treat this condition.

With TEPEZZA, multi-symptom relief for Thyroid Eye Disease is here

TEPEZZA reduces eye bulging and double vision. It also improves the signs and symptoms of Thyroid Eye Disease (TED), including eye pain, redness, and swelling. TEPEZZA is a prescription medicine used to treat TED. You should discuss the risks and benefits of using TEPEZZA with your doctor.

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Before and After Photos

See real before and after photos of patients who have used TEPEZZA.

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