What's so special about the Odyssey lens? WITH ALL-LASER, 100% BLADE-FREE CATARACT/LENS EXCHANGE SURGERY

As you may have read on your research, the "Multi-focal" Lens Technology has undergone many levels of refinement over the years. Dr. Soroudi started implanting these lenses in 2005 when they first became available. The older generation lenses (e.g., the ReSTOR +4 Lens) would provide people with outstanding near and distance visual acuities, BUT they would cause people to see "waxy" or "blurry" (even with 20/20 vision). Also, they were "bifocal" lenses, so people would often complain that their "intermediate" vision wasn't that great and they often needed reading glasses to see their desktop computer screens.

The new "Trifocal" lenses (e.g., the Odyssey (by J&J) and the Panoptix (by Alcon)) provide people with outstanding distance, near, AND intermediate visual acuities, and the level of "waxy" or "blurry" vision is very minimal. With these new lenses, people often say that they only experienced haloes at nights for a few weeks and then they disappeared.

So is the Odyssey Lens Better than the Panoptix?

Great Visual acuity at ALL distances...

The Odyssey Lenses are configured in such a way to reduce visual confusion when viewing over different distances, and this seems to boosts contrast sensitivity.

Better "Quality" Vision by reducing "Chromatic Aberration..."

Chromatic aberration is a distortion that occurs when a lens fails to focus all colors it is seeing to the same convergence point. This results in a fringing of colors at the boundaries between the light and dark parts of what you are looking at.The Odyssey lens’s special polymer material dramatically reduces chromatic aberration.

Improved Visual Contrast

The Odyssey Lens also improves contrast, allowing patients to better discern between shades and patterns (less "Waxy" vision). This allows patients to see better in different lighting conditions (such as reading road signs at night).

Minimized Optical Distortions

The Odyssey lens’s shape itself mimics the light-focusing attributes of a young, healthy person’s natural lens. This also results in reduced optical distortions and more "comfortable" vision.

Less Nighttime Glare and Haloes

A UV and violet-light filter called “Optiblue” helps filter out harmful light rays from daylight and also reduces nighttime glare and haloes. Many people have heard about the nighttime haloes from these "multi-focal" lenses. The New Odyssey Lens seems to cause a lot less nighttime visual disturbances than the older generation multifocal lenses.

Less “twinkling” at nights

Many people absolutely hate the reflection of the light people see in their pupils (especially at nights). They complain people comment that my eyes look like "cat eyes" at nights. The Odyssey lens reduces this “Cat’s Eye Pupil” phenomenon, which looks like a twinkling light in front of the pupil.

Correcting astigmatism

The lens is also available for patients with astigmatism, so we can treat all of their refractive errors at the same time, virtually eliminating the need for a "LASIK Touchup" later on.

The Odyssey lens demonstrates incredible results in people who have had previous Refractive Surgery (e.g., LASIK, PRK, RK).

Until now, most refractive surgeons were not offering trifocal lenses for people who have had previous vision correction surgery fearing less than perfect outcomes. The Odyssey Lens' optics allow a wider range of people to enjoy this "trifocal" vision who in the past, wouldn't qualify.

Why trust Dr. Soroudi with your vision correction?

With over 20 years of experience in performing some of the most challenging Cataract Cases found anywhere in the world, and having implanted over 60,000 successful Cataract and Lens-based Vision Correction Procedures, and as a meticulous ex Biomedical Engineer turned Eye Surgeon, Dr. Soroudi provides his patients with the ABSOLUTE BEST in every aspect of vision correction surgery found anywhere on this planet.

Dr. Soroudi is one of only a few Cataract Surgeons in the country who possesses his own surgical centers INSIDE every one of his three centers, obviating the need for his patients to go to the hospital or another "open-access" surgical center used by multiple surgeons with different technologies and staff.

This dedication to perfection and to having literally the BEST TECHNOLOGY under one roof is yet another attribute that makes him one of the best eye surgeons planetwide.

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