This exclusive surgical technique restores the whites of the eyes affected by growths, such as “surfer’s eye.” Including conjunctival or amniotic membrane grafting

The Pterygium Procedure

Meet Dr. Ebbie Soroudi 

Large pterygium growing over the cornea and pupil (Dr. Soroudi’s actual patient).

This person was “legally blind” from this pterygium with over 9 diopters of astigmatism; he now sees 20/20! Including conjunctival or amniotic membrane grafting

The effects of excess tissue growth (pterygium)

A pterygium (pronounced “ter y gee um”) is a small, slow-growing, wing-shaped fleshy membrane that arises over the cornea. Although it usually grows closer to the nose, it can grow on any area of the eye. It is not uncommon to see these growths occurring on both sides of the cornea, which is medically termed “kissing pterygia.” 

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What causes eye growths?

It is not exactly clear what causes these growths to develop, but it is believed there is a genetic component combined with a history of excessive sun exposure. It has been found that people who live in very sunny regions nearer to the equator develop these growths most often. Pterygia affects millions of people’s eyes and can cause chronic irritation, redness, and tearing. In severe cases, it can cause severe astigmatism or blindness.

Eye whitening for specific conditions

Dr. Soroudi’s technique can resolve several issues affecting the whites of the eyes, including surfer’s eye, conjunctival moles, and racial melanosis. 

Scissorless Sutureless Pterygium Eye Whitening Surgery “PECAC” invented by Dr. A. Ebbie Soroudi, MD, MS

What can I expect from the surgery?

Pterygia can be surgically removed using only local anesthesia. Once removed, the treated region must be protected with a small piece of the conjunctiva (the thin clear skin that covers the eyeball), which will prevent the growth from coming back. 

A groundbreaking procedure developed by Dr. Soroudi

The traditional surgical approach was to remove a small piece of the conjunctiva (the thin clear skin that covers the eyeball) where the pterygium used to be. Even today, many ophthalmologists remove this graft with a surgical blade or scissors, causing profuse bleeding. Dr. Soroudi invented a procedure that allows this graft to be removed without scissors for greater comfort and a faster, more pleasant recovery. 

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Protecting against regrowth A next-generation approach

Once the conjunctiva has been removed, Dr. Soroudi applies a small amount of an “antifibrotic” medication (called Mitomycin-C) to the area. This has been shown to help prevent recurrences in most patients. Some eye surgeons apply radiation, which can lead to severe scarring and can potentially cause tremendous problems if the pterygium recurs. Dr. Soroudi never uses radiation to treat pterygium and actively discourages the use of this dangerous approach. 

Options for grafting

The graft is usually taken from the top part of the eye, which is covered by the eyelid. Alternatively, a processed amniotic membrane graft can be used, reducing post-operative discomfort. There are pros and cons related to the use of amniotic membrane grafts. This approach may not be the best choice for every patient, and you should discuss your options with Dr. Soroudi, so you understand the best option for you.

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A leading eye whitening specialist in Los Angeles

If your eyes have developed pterygium, you should seek the most advanced, painless, effective treatment possible. When under the care of Dr. Soroudi, these eye growths are resolved with a surgical approach he developed for far superior outcomes, less discomfort, and a faster recovery. 

Meet with us at Soroudi Advanced LASIK & Eye Centers to have your condition evaluated. All surgeries are performed at our in-house outpatient surgical centers in total comfort, safety, and privacy. We have three locations to serve you in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles. 

Faster recovery, less pain, no recurrence

Most surgeons use sutures to keep the membranes in place, which can cause severe irritation and redness during the post-operative period. Instead of sutures, Dr. Soroudi utilizes Tisseel Fibrin Sealant, a special glue that helps keep the grafts in place beautifully without causing any post-operative pain, redness, or irritation.

Before surgery (surgery was done on both sides of the right eye and the left (nasal) side of the left eye). This patient had already been operated on twice by other surgeons, and his pterygium recurred for the third time. After surgery by Dr. Soroudi (surgery done on both sides of the right eye and the left (nasal) side of the left eye). 

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Conjunctival reconstruction(with amniotic membrane)

Eye Whitening Surgery by Dr. Soroudi, MD, MS

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